A small settlement with an interesting story to tell.
From the second-largest settlement to a famous cricket match
Charles Darwin visits
The famous naturalist and geologist Charles Darwin made two visits to the Falkland Islands archipelago in 1833 and 1834. Whilst carrying out a zoological survey of the islands on his 2nd voyage it has been reported he spent the night at the current settlements location for which the settlement bears his name.
Settlement Established
In 1859, a settlement was established as an initial center for cattle ranching and some of its first residents were gauchos with origins from Uruguay. Evidence of this way of life can still be seen today when you visit the Stone Coral and Galpon.
As time progressed, the cattle business became unprofitable and the farmers became more focused on a more sustainable business, sheep farming.​
Falklands Sheep Farm
Darwin expanded and was once the largest settlement after the capital Stanley with over 200 working staff on the payroll. By 1920, the site had become too small for operations and
consequently all the major farm buildings, the church, and the majority of houses were transferred along the road to Goose Green which is still in operation today. Sheep farming is the second-largest industry with approximately 500,000 sheep, Goose Green is the largest farm with 70,000.
First Ever Cricket Match
On 7th February 1912 the Darwin Harbour Sports Association hosted one of the earliest reported cricket matches. A team of married men faced up against a team of single men with the single men registering the victory.
Site of a battlefield
In 1982, the area saw heavy fighting during the Battle of Goose Green. On 28th May, British troops from the 2nd PARA Regiment took Darwin Hill. In just a short walking distance from the lodge you'll be able to see H Jones VC, Royal Engineers and 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment war memorials. The Argentine Cemetery is just a short drive away.